Red Bricks - MEGA Pack of 20 (OO Gauge)
In this mega pack, you will get 20 downloadable PDF files which you can print off and use for modelling. These PDFs include:
Aged Brown Brick English Bond
Bond Red Brick
Brick English Bond
English Bond Dark Red Brick
English Bond Dirty Red Brick
English Bond Mixed Red Brick
English Bond Red-Brown Brick
Industrial Brick With Black Mortar
Industrial Bricks
Modern Mixed Brown Brick Stretcher Bond
Old Red Brown Brick
Reclaimed Victorian Brick
Red Brick
Rough Brick English Bond
Stretcher Bond Red Brick
Tudor Herringbone Brick
Victorian Weathered Red Brick
Weathered English Bond Red Brick
Weathered Flemish Bond Red Brick
Weathered Stretcher Bond Red Brick